1. What is Karate?
Karate is an exersice habit which when practiced regularly develops the student into a healthy, well-coordindated person both physically and mentally. Karate teaches him to utilize both these qualities for self defense and also teaches the student to deal with the difficulties created by stressful modern times.
2. Where does Karate come from?
Very briefly, Karate is a direct descendant of very old fighting systems which were developed by Buddhist monks as a physical and mental discipline in China. Karate was developed by observing natural fighting moves of various animals.
3. How does it differ from boxing or Judo?
Judo (“gentle way”) and boxing are primarily sports, with applications in self defense. Karate is a fighting art with some sport aspects. Karate uses both hands and feet, as opposed to a boxer’s hands, and is not primarily involved in “throwing” techniques as in Judo.
4. Are there different kinds of Karate?
Yes. There are many “styles” that may differ in emphasis on one type of technique or another, or that have developed in another geographic region. To the novice, these differences are academic.
5. What kind of Karate is taught at Jim Cameron’s Karate School?
Uechi-Ryu Karate which was originally called Pangainoon in China.
6. How does one benefit from Karate instructions?
Karate teaches self defense, develops confidence, promotes coordination and fast reaction and strongly influences self-discipline. The physical and mental benefits must be earned to be enjoyed.
7. Is Karate difficult to learn?
As in any worthwhile pursuit, hard work is necessary for total accomplishment. It would be false to describe Karate as easy, but there is nothing in Karate that cannot be attained through effort and desire.
8. How long does it take to learn Karate?
The masters teach that Karate is a continual learning and living experience and this is certainly true. It is perhaps better to ask “How does one progress in Karate?”
9. How does one progress in Karate?
In our style, there are ten Kyu (or belts) in the adult ranks which one must earn before being eligible to test for a black belt. There are five white belts ranks, two green belts, and three brown belt ranks.
10. Again, how long does it take?
Each rank has requirements which must be satisified both in terms of number of classes required and subject learned. Therefore, it is largely up to the student as to how often he or she attends class. As a rough average, an adult student could be a green belt between one and two years, and a brown belt in two to three years.
11. How does a student get a black belt?
After having satisfied all the requirements of the ten Kyu ranks (and being recommended by the instructor), he may be tested by the American Uechi-Ryu testing board which meets twice a year. The board consists of a number of high-ranking black belt instructors. The student is registered in the Uechi-Ryu Association as an authentic black belt holder.
12. Can women benefit from karate?
Greatly, since proficiency in Karate is not dependent upon size or muscle, and yet is the most effective type of self defense.
13. How about children?
Greatly. We have heard many parents describe beneficial results with children who lack confidence or even who are hyperactive.
14. How can I get started?
The way we integrate new students into our school is through our introductory program. The introductory program consists of two semi-private lessons with a black belt instructor. Each lesson is 30 minutes long and the program gives you a chance to try the training and see if you like it. Please contact us for more information and to set up a time for you to come to the school, see the facilities, and talk about the possibility of taking our introductory program.
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